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Early Bird

Among all of my favorite things to do in life, there is nothing like waking up early enough to catch a sunrise and head out for a morning hike. As a photographer I find dawn to be the ideal time of day to go out and shoot.  It's quite, the light is a lot softer, and if you get lucky you may catch some wildlife you typically wouldn't find roaming around out in the open at any other time of day. 

Friday had been a wash out, and overnight the rain had finally stopped and the temperature decreased, which could only mean one thing, fog! There is nothing more majestic to me than a hazy sunrise, so I threw on my hiking boots, grabbed my camera and made my way over to the the dock at Sweetwater Creek.

(Creek + Trees + Fog + Sunrise = A Happy Me)

Here are a few shots I got using my phone (since I idiotically took a dead camera). I headed for the trails after I took a few shots on the dock, but  I was coming down with a cold and hadn't slept that night, and didn't really have the stamina to stay out for another hour. Also my phone is on 2% and that is a big  no,no when you're alone in the middle of the woods. 

I also saw a fox, but he ran away before I could take a picture of him.

All images were taken with the Samsung Galaxy s5. Edited with VSCOcam

So are you a night owl or an early bird???