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A Letter of Gratitude

Thank You

Thank you for holding space for me. You were one of the few places that gave me a sense of freedom to fully be myself and. Your rushing water and applause from the trees drowned out all the worldly noise making it easier for me to think clearly. My mind would wander with thoughts like the water wandering through the stream. Everything flowing, and free to simply be.

Thank you for the amazing memories. From escaping the summer heat with a friend and letting water rush on our back against the water, to taking photos of a friend that I’d later spend 3 years in a relationship with. You stole my first iPhone, but that’s okay. It had memories of a previous lover that I wouldn’t have let go of had it not been for you.

Thank you for providing life. Your canopy of trees draw small crowds of folks who know about you to enjoy the beauty you harbor. Wildlife uses you as a water source; your banks a place for mothers to lay their eggs. For me, you make me feel alive every time I’d come to you. Walking down the hill and listening to the waterfall inviting any traveler in like a siren to men at sea.

I will miss you greatly as I begin my new chapter in the city. The memory of you will always be in my heart. Until next time.