
Friends in Bands

I've been taking photos of local bands here in Atlanta for a little over a year now. Majority of the gigs I've shot, are all thanks to my friend, Matt. I met Matt (lead guitarist of local instrumental, metal band, Spore Lord) back in February of 2015. He and I became pretty cool. He'd invite me to shows and had introduced me to a lot other bands to cover.

One of those bands included group of guys called, Uncle Van and the Buzzards of Fuzz, whom I later met at their album release party at The Music Room. I fell in love with their music as well as the guys themselves and made a point to shoot every show I could. Cool thing is they guys are Spore Lord and the Buzzards are all really good friends and have known each other for years. What's even better is having been accepted into such a rad group of people. 

Yesterday they played a gig together at The Earl. Matt's wife was celebrating her birthday the same night, so it was destined for a good time. We ate, we laughed, we drank, a lot. It's never a dull time with them.

I love you all. You literally rock my world. 

Happy Birthday Val.

Check out the boys

Spore Lord


