"Where I'm From"

Where I'm from

The church bell knocks its brass clapper

From its tower

At the top of every hour


The morning,

The Mourning Dove sings its song of yearning

A new day is dawning

Where I'm from

The emergency alarm wails

Distress signals

And distant train wheels

Passing along the rails

At the edge of town

A familiar sound

Where I'm from

Where have I been

Red church doors, stain-glass, and hymns

Lessons of history and obedience

Arithmetic and perseverance

Make believe day dreams turned

Truthful reality's

Where I'm from

The ghosts of life's past


Vast memories of fresh cut grass

Pressed against dew drenched toes

Bloodied knees and dandelion blows

Wishes to a future unknown

A love for life

Before life's loving woes

Where I'm from

Where my bones have grown

Where I depart

Where I return, home.

Where I'm from

Everything is the same


As time reveals my age

My adolescence will forever remain,

Where I'm from


April 2nd, 2024